

Lynn United for Change is a grassroots community group that works for social and economic justice and the human right to housing. We organize residents to resist unjust eviction, gentrification, and displacement; to push for a housing system that will ensure everyone has a dignified, safe, healthy, affordable place to live; to join struggles to end racism and put people before profit; and to win fairness, equity, respect, and justice for immigrants, workers, and all people regardless of income level, race, nationality, sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Lynn United for Change is a project of Tides Advocacy.

Need help? Question?

Please contact us. If you live in Lynn, MA and face eviction, bad living conditions, foreclosure, or other housing issues please call or send an email to find out more. You are not alone!

What we do

Lynn United’s housing justice work began in response to the foreclosure crisis and has played a key role in the development of a vibrant local movement for housing justice that brings together tenants and homeowners of diverse backgrounds.

We strive to address the root causes of housing insecurity and injustice through community organizing, protest, advocacy, movement building, and civic engagement.

We also make change person by person and building by building through leadership development-oriented casework. We provide free resources and support for Lynn residents facing eviction or housing instability, and we proactively reach out to vulnerable community members who may not know how to access assistance programs, request repairs, protect their legal rights, or navigate the court process. The connection between this small-scale assistance and our work for systemic change is one of things that defines Lynn United for Change.


Donate to Lynn United for Change using our online form or read our donations page for details and additional options.

Civic engagement and elections

We believe that organizing at the grassroots level is what really creates positive change. That’s why our main focus is organizing and building a strong movement. However, we believe elections can play an important role. We mobilize at election-time to encourage eligible members of our community to vote. We occasionally endorse candidates aligned with our values and mission, and we take positions on ballot questions when appropriate. We are not part of any political party and we do not coordinate our activities with any candidate or candidate’s committee.